How you can enlarge your penis with baking soda

How to enlarge the penis with baking soda

Many members of males are dissatisfied with the size of their penis.

This timing has a negative impact on their self-esteem, so they're looking for information on how to enlarge the penis with soda.

This popular method has become popular due to the low cost of the substance used.

The benefits of soda

Baking soda works to increase potency. At the same time, it should not be forgotten that this substance is not an aphrodisiac, which means it does not directly affect the human body.

The positive effects include the following:

  • Beneficial for all systems, the ongoing processes affect the efficiency. Hence, long-term use of recommendations allows you to solve problems with potency.
  • Reducing erectile dysfunction is considered to be the main effect when used correctly.

Usually, erection problems occur due to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems.

Soda is powered by sodium carbonate. It has the following beneficial properties:

  • Sterilization effect. Don't forget that along with harmful bacteria, beneficial bacteria also die. Hence, excessive use of this substance becomes the cause of the development of various problems.
  • Reduces inflammation. A similar problem arises when not practicing personal hygiene.
  • Impaired growth conditions of various pathogens.
  • Has general strengthening properties. This substance has a beneficial effect on the whole body, as it is responsible for removing toxins and harmful substances.

The above information shows the folk method that solves many penis problems. When used properly, this substance can have a beneficial effect on sex life.

Is it true that soda increases penis

Is it possible to enlarge the penis with fresh water

The baking soda method of penis enlargement has been used for a long time. The effectiveness of this approach is unclear.

There is much information that sodium carbonate increases potency, but in the composition there is no substance that can increase the size of the penis.

There are lots of before and after images on the web. Some people claim that the correct procedure allows you to add up to 3 cm.

Mechanism of action

The main active ingredient is sodium bicarbonate. This substance has the ability to thin the blood, such effect greatly increases the effectiveness of penis enlargement exercises.

Lack of toxins becomes the cause of excessive blood flow to the reproductive system. Therefore, the ability to clot is reduced, the ability to erect is reduced.

Alkaline ingredients improve hormonal balance. Therefore, a sufficient amount of testosterone is produced, which has a good effect on reproductive function. Traditional healers on the Internet publish several uses of soda.

How to enlarge the penis with baking soda

When considering how to increase the size of the penis, pay attention to the fact that the substance in question is applied to the penis.

The internal organs should be steamed first and washed. Usually the procedure is done during a hot shower or bath.

There are several ways to enlarge the penis with baking soda, before using them be aware of side effects and contraindications. Before using this substance directly, it is necessary to check for the absence of an allergic reaction.


Use baking soda to enlarge your penis

There are a number of different baking soda methods available. All are divided into several categories:

  • Bathtubs are the most common. This is due to the fact that you do not have to apply any mechanical action to the penis. One tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate is needed per liter of water. The resulting solution is used as a bath solution. The recommended water temperature should not exceed 41 degrees C. It should be noted that the duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour.
  • Rub in. Before applying this substance directly, the canopy is rubbed along the entire length with vegetable oil. Then the soda is poured over the entire surface. The substance is rubbed gently, the procedure will be done within a few minutes.
  • Lotions are used not only to increase size, but also to increase sensitivity. To do this, the powder is soaked with water, applied to the penis and wrapped in gauze. The procedure only lasts a few minutes.
  • Ingestion should be considered traditional. For this, soda is mixed with water. You should do this once a day for two weeks. This procedure is appropriate to remain effective.

Add-ons don't take long. The process is as follows:

  • take a bath, the penis is thoroughly washed;
  • then let the internal organs dry;
  • 200 ml of water requires one teaspoon of potassium bichromate;
  • both ingredients were mixed and allowed to incubate for 5 minutes;
  • was used to rinse the penis.

Should do the same procedure every day in the morning and at night throughout the month. Scientific research indicates that the increase in size is due to increased tissue elasticity and improved blood flow.

Hence, at the time of the trick you need to stretch it. It is not recommended to combine more than one method at the same time, as this can cause side effects.


There are various reviews on the Internet about the use of folk method. Results from before and after imaging showed negligible impact. Therefore, you should not expect an increase.

The results provided are about increasing efficiency. In this case, the effects last for several hours.


Contraindicated to enlarge the penis with soda

Don't forget that some men have an allergic reaction to baking soda. Therefore, before using it directly, you need to make sure it is not present.

The following are contraindications:

  • ;
  • urethritis
  • ;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • prostate tumor;
  • .

In some cases, development of side effects is observed:

  1. Small ulcers and small cracks appear. They are almost invisible at first, but then they get into a lot of trouble. The solution to the problem is to use healing drugs.
  2. Develops an allergic reaction. The body may not react to sodium bicarbonate at first, but with prolonged exposure, redness and other side effects may appear.
  3. In the case of burning and other sensations, the procedures in question are terminated. In this case, it is advisable to consult a specialist, since there is a possibility of developing various diseases.

Remember that sodium bicarbonate has a strong alkaline effect. It is capable of destroying beneficial bacteria that can maintain local immunity. If the concentration is too low, diseases of the genitalia will appear, for example, vesitis.


The above information indicates that the results after using baking soda can vary significantly. In a month, he will not increase by an additional centimeter, but at the same time the erection may increase. Before and after pictures of the penis show that even after a prolonged procedure, there is still a temporary increase in erection capacity due to good blood flow.

The effectiveness and efficiency of all methods have not been scientifically proven today. In most cases, however, they are not dangerous. So, if there is a need to elongate the penis, they turn to specialist facilities for help.